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Called To Live Without Fear

A friend recently made this excellent point about the Christian’s calling to model how Christ might respond to a situation — popularized as the slogan, “What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD):
“Since the WWJD bracelets came out, I have pondered this idea and I came to the conclusion that it is not the right question for me to ask. We are not Jesus (not God and human, we are only human), so the better question for me to ask myself is what would Jesus do if He were me? In this exact time and place, in my humanity with my mind, gifts, callings — no supernatural knowledge or power — just plain me. It has made a difference in how I respond.
Love God and love your neighbor as yourself is usually what it boils down to:)”
I quite agree, an excellent way to think about our proper response to the COVID-19 disease is “what would Jesus do if He were me” — e.g., what is one’s calling.
We can find many examples of believers who were called to show no fear in the face of profoundly dangerous threats — lion’s dens, Roman coliseums, disease-ridden orphanages in the slums, furnaces heated seven times hotter than normal, shipwrecks, imprisonments, burnings at the stake, beheadings, crucifixions; the list is a long one.
In some of those cases, the believer was miraculously preserved from physical harm, but (let’s be honest)…